Tax efficient giving
Both PAYE and self-assessed supporters can now avail of the scheme. If you would like to participate, We now offer the option to complete the Enduring Certificate digitally. Please follow the prompts on the form below to fill in your name, PPSN, address and some other information. At the end, you’ll be asked to digitally sign the form, which our finance team will receive and process. We can then apply to the Revenue for tax relief on your donations over €250. The form takes approximately one minute to fill out. Once you sign it, the new enduring tax relief form will last for five years.
Visit Revenue For More Details
Digital Enduring Certificate
Tax efficient giving
For every £1 donated by a UK taxpayer, we can claim an extra 25p back from HMRC.
You just need to complete a Gift Aid declaration form. The form only needs to be filled out once and covers you for life. There is no minimum amount you need to donate; the only requirement is that you are a UK tax payer.