Repro Free Wednesday 22nd 2020. In addition to the signing of a renewed partnership between Intel and UCD, 15 students from Science and Engineering disciplines were awarded today with UCD-Intel Masters Student Scholarships. Each recipient is provided with a 3,000 bursary to support their academic studies and given the opportunity to experience practical learning aligned to the needs of industry. Pictured with President of UCD Prof. Andrew Deeks and Intel Ireland General Manager Eamonn Sinnott were UCD students. Picture Jason Clarke
Patricia O’Kelly and her cousins Jacqueline Quinn, Jill Whyte and Lucius Farrell – nieces and nephew of Dr Mary J Farrell, pictured with Mary Ellen McMahon, the inaugural recipient of the Mary J Farrell Student Summer Research Award and Dr Sean Griffin, recipient of the Mary J Farrell Medal in General Practice. Photo: Iain White / Fennell Photography 2019