NCCP Newman Fellowship in Psycho-Oncology

As part of its programme to provide postdoctoral research opportunities for scholars of proven academic excellence, University College Dublin is pleased to announce the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) Newman Fellowship in Psycho-oncology.

Background to Project:

Research shows that patients with severe mental health difficulties, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder, have a similar rate of cancer diagnosis to the general population. However, they experience a higher mortality rate as a result of cancer.  Individuals with severe mental health difficulty also present with more advanced cancer progression at diagnosis and often are not being offered bespoke treatment interventions which address their specific needs.

The gap in life expectancy in patients with severe mental health difficulty who are diagnosed and treated for cancer is to some extent influenced by general factors related to health inequality such as deprivation as well as more specific factors for example higher rate of smoking and alcohol use. However, further research is needed to help us to understand this gap and identify solutions and implement interventions in response to specific needs of this cohort of patients.  Findings of research on barriers to cancer care for people with severe mental health difficulties in an Irish context revealed a need for specialised and bespoke cancer care for this cohort of patients at patient, healthcare system and policy levels.

The Newman Fellow will be based in UCD School of Psychology and will work collaboratively with a close network of researchers from UCD and beyond. The Fellow will have the opportunity to assist in the design of a new clinical pathways and model of care to address the needs of patients with severe mental health difficulties after reviewing and scoping the current situation of patients with severe mental health difficulty in Ireland.

The successful candidate will gain experience of working with a large-scale interdisciplinary mixed-methods research project, engaging with diverse stakeholders, and developing high quality publications and other research outputs.

The NCCP Newman Fellow in Psycho-oncology will work under the supervision and mentorship of Assoc Prof Paul D’Alton.

How to Apply:

The candidate must complete the Newman Fellow Candidate Form and provide an updated and detailed CV with a cover letter showing how their skills and experience are suitable for the post, and email all documents to:

Two nominated referees must independently submit their confidential reports using the Newman Fellowship Referee Form and send to:

If security settings prevent you from downloading the application forms, please request a Candidate Application Pack by emailing:

Further Information:

Informal enquiries regarding this Fellowship may be directed to


The closing date for receipt of completed applications is 5pm, 25 October 2024

The Fellowship start date will be arranged with the successful candidate and will ideally commence as soon as possible.
