Emilia's Story
“I am currently in my second year of studies at UCD, pursuing a degree in Commerce International with Chinese Studies. It has been an unbelievable experience so far, very demanding but still really enjoyable. I have had opportunities to meet many like-minded students and explore various cultures through UCD’s diverse student body; It has been particularly valuable due to the language component of my course, and my passion for travel and curiosity about the world has been nurtured. I have never once questioned my passion and interest in what I study.
UCD has made it so easy for me to immerse myself into university life, and has provided so many opportunities for growth and exploration. I am really enjoying the Quinn career mentoring program, as it allows me to talk to someone who has experience in Accounting and Finance, which is something I am considering as a future career.
Without this scholarship, I know that I would not have been able to attend UCD. Before I took up my place in UCD, I was spending hours researching all opportunities for financial aid, as I knew I could not afford to study in Dublin without help. While I have always worked hard and done well in school, my family was not in a position to help me financially the way they would have liked to. I came to UCD through the HEAR pathway, so a major barrier to myself and my family was income.
The impact this scholarship has had on my life has been monumental. I am not from Dublin, and would not have been in a position to commute everyday, as I am from an area with very little public transport options. I am responsible for covering all of my university expenses, food, and rent, by myself. I am currently working two jobs and even with this, I still would not be able to afford to live in Dublin. This scholarship has alleviated some of this pressure and lightened my financial burden.It has also allowed me to begin saving for my Erasmus year in China, which is compulsory for my course.
This scholarship has also freed up some of my time to take part in important extracurriculars, which have really helped me to involve myself in UCD life. I served as class representative for my course in first year, and the Quinn Career Mentoring program. I also work as an Access Leader on campus. I also plan on taking on a summer internship once I return from my Erasmus to gain some experience in the field I plan to pursue. This scholarship has been, and will continue to be, instrumental in me achieving my goals.
I do not think I would be where I am today without this scholarship. That is all due to the generous donors who have supported me, and so many other students like me. You have given many students a chance to fulfill their ambitions and aspirations. This scholarship has made such a significant impact on my life, and I cannot thank you enough.”